My baby-sister got married this weekend! It’s still hard to believe that she’s Mrs. Baker... Christelle is a “jeans & t-shirt” girl in the strict sense of the word. I can still remember when she was little, she always cried blue murder when we forced her into a dress for a birthday party or church. So seeing her in her beautiful white dress brought a tear to my eye...
Eric, was his handsome self and I’m very fond of him, to use a real cliche, I’ve not lost a sister but gained a brother. Both my brother’s-in-law are like the brothers I never had. And I love them dearly...
Oh my God!
You are so good!!! Trust me, I mean it!
I love pic# 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 13
Keep it up, keep it up. You're great.
Dit is jou beste nog ooit!! Jy is briljant! WOW!! Ek is spraakloos! Stunning!!
Jitte Nig jy is brilliant! Hierdie fotos is PRAGTIG! Sy lyk stunning! Liefde, Berendine
Jani, dis beautiful! Daar is 'n groot verskil tussen fotografie en caputuring moments en jy kry dit so stunning reg!!! Well done!
rerig stunning fotos Jani! great dat jy sussie s'n kon neem
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